Thursday, October 23, 2008

A closer look at Stanley's summer

In one way or another, we all have a job somewhat unique. Our daily tasks, hours and efforts all differ.

For some, work is just that, a way to pay the bills. For others, work is a story in itself.

Which brings me to the latest installment of my series on jobs in sports, "A Chauffeur to Lord Stanley," a story that began running in most of our papers Oct. 22.

Mike Bolt is an individual you may have seen a time or two, especially this past summer. Maybe not in person, but you probably saw him on TV, in the newspaper or in any of the magazines that aptly depicted the Red Wings’ summer-long celebration with the Stanley Cup.

Bolt works at the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto, but he also has the distinct honor (called his job) to travel everywhere the Stanley Cup goes.

This job is detailed in the story, but if you want another look at just where the Cup has been and who has had the chance to see it, visit the Hockey Hall of Fame’s Web site at and click on the Stanley Cup Journal link on the right side of the page.

The journey details a month-to-month and player-to-player schedule the Cup (and Bolt) endured over the summer.

Some of the entries will leave you shaking your head (Kris Draper), while others will show just how much of a celebrity the Cup really is.

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